Sunday, January 8, 2023

Upgrading the IBM PC/AT to MS-DOS 6.22 and Windows 3.1

 You read this correctly. What a software upgrade. My floppies for Windows/286 seem damaged. so...

Going from MS-DOS 5 to MS-DOS 6.22

Once I got the 1.44M floppy recognized, the 1.44MB MS-DOS 6.22 upgrade diskettes read correctly and the install process ran fine. DOS 6.22 takes up more memory but has some nice utilities and is the most state of the art version (to my knowledge).

It's a matter of feeding three floppies to upgrade. It's kinda touchy - it really wants things just right to upgrade the DOS and you cannot use the upgrade floppies for a new install (unless there is a trick I'm unaware of). It saves the old MS-DOS in a hard disk directory folder called OLD_DOS.1 in case you need things or decide to uninstall. Speaking of uninstall, all the MS-DOS upgrades want "Uninstall Floppies", usually one or maybe two to undo the upgrade. Just a PITA in my book.

Looking in my floppy collection, I found Windows/286. But the disks appear to be damaged.

I was wondering what to do so...

Installing Windows 3.1 on an IBM PC/AT

I have install 1.44MB 3.5" floppies for Windows 3.1 and Windows for Workgroups 3.11. If I remember correctly WfW wants an 80386. So I grabbed the Windows 3.1 diskettes. It talked about a mouse - lucky I got that ATI VGA Ultra card with in-port mouse built in. My 1080 VGA/DVI monitor did not like 640x400 mode so I borrowed the VGA LCD monitor from the Gateway Pentium III machine.

6 diskettes (119 files) later, I get the Windows 3.1 splash screen. 

The display is canted to the right. I want to adjust the screen resolution, if possible but I need to Google for that, my memory is not so clear on that and drivers doesn't seem to do display drivers to my knowledge.

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