Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Post Hurricane Sandy

The National Capitol Area was hit fairly hard but not quite as bad as places like New Jersey or New York.  We had power out for 19 hours - we were well prepared with food, water, heat (the temperature dropped about 20 degrees after the storm passed).  We had very minor damage to the garage roof by a 10 foot long limb falling from one of our rather large oak trees.

Without power, I haven't been very "plugged in" to the electronic world - "getting back", I did have an email on a sale at Maker Shed.  Two items of note:

As I said the other day, the pressure is on these two items, from the new Arduino Due and the 'duino clone market.  The Leonardo also has the issue that the Maker community does not seem to be publishing a great deal of project designs based on the board.

The Leonardo has spawned some interesting technology though - the concept of having one Atmel microcontroller for the program and the USB controller is gaining traction - several designs have come out and the to-be-released-any-day-now Adafruit FLORA.  So the technology and idea are flourishing much more than the official product from Italy.

Finally, tomorrow is the office Halloween party and pumpkin decorating contest.  I finished my pumpkin during the daylight, lots of electronics - I'll have a Youtube video up for tomorrow.

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